Friday, November 28, 2008


I've never had as many reactions to my artwork as I got with this one. 'Is this Icarus?' one person asked. Another one said that he can relate to the character. Some are just intrigued by the image and ask me who "she" is. I've even gotten friend requests from complete strangers all over the world on Facebook. What is so attractive about this image? Originally, Fallen Angel was inspired by an excerpt from Philippine Mermaid Stories, a book compiled by my friend Charity. One legend says that mermaids are angels that lose their wings for misbehaving. Upon falling into the sea, they become sea creatures and grow fish tails and fins.

I, myself, have many interpretations for this scene. Truth be told, this is the most personal of all the other mermaid illustrations I drew. This is probably why people are reacting to it. It was the most effortless image to produce and one of the quickest I came up with while sketching. So I will not get into my usual long philosophical, psychological banter about this image and it's endless meanings. By showing this work of art to the world wide web, I think I've said too much about myself already.

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