Friday, February 8, 2008

Evolution of Creativity

I describe my artistic epiphanies as "seizure-like" episodes that cannot be timed or controlled. They are usually triggered by a simple, mundane visual. Lately, I've been getting them more often. Perhaps because I have been deprived of this freedom for such a long time and have gotten into survival mode. I feel like I have fallen through the potholes of a life full of burdensome journeys. Now, as I decide to purge myself of this emotional baggage, I am starting small again, as if being reborn. Instead of staring at a huge canvas, I have taken old finished pieces I consider unsuccessful an reworking them. Old photos, watercolors, prints, handmade paper, scrap cardboard have been reduced to simply new surfaces ready to be reworked and reconsidered as valuable pieces. Instead of adding, I am subtracting by punching, cutting, slicing ala Lucio Fontana, and then reworking, reconstructing, and reconnecting. I have gone back to my primitive behavior of just feeling and working on pure instinct, devoid of all values, principles, and learned behavior. I am a child again, learning from my own children and their Naive Art. What an oxymoron!  I am beginning to enjoy art again and maybe this time I'll grow into something else.

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